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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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How are Geothermal springs located?

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June 13, 2010 02:36PM
Anybody know how geothermal spring sources like the one at Deep Creek are located in the first place? Is it pretty much dumb luck, or is there some sort of methodology behind knowing where to look? Are there any tools used to detect where such a spring in likely to be, and where one might want to build Deep-Creek-like tubs to collect the heated water?

How are Geothermal springs located?

JoelTDahl1725June 13, 2010 02:36PM

Re: How are Geothermal springs located?

Rick1076June 13, 2010 03:21PM

Re: How are Geothermal springs located?

Paul P.1116June 13, 2010 05:39PM

Re: How are Geothermal springs located?

LaughingBear1907June 15, 2010 05:42AM

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