Barry was put in charge? No wonder the Willow Fire closure was lifted pre-maturely.
The area had not recovered but "someone" had forgotten to prepare the paperwork to extend the closure.
If you look into this in any depth, you will find pressure being placed onto subordinates to bless the "recovery". I will bet that a biologist got the "twist till it breaks" treatment or face career extinction. That was a common "management tactic" at that time and remains a tradition in the Barstow Office.
I would like to see a congressional investigation of the Barstow Field Office focused on events after the Willow Fire. The arrogant and blatant abuse of power by toxic individuals who have continued their reign to the present was so apparent to all persons working at or with BLM at the time.
Most of the qualified and conscientous people were either driven out of the Barstow Field Office at or stayed to face career extinction. What we now have is a useless organization that panders to special interests and their own financial gain.