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Re: Dead Wood (Be Careful!)

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November 29, 2003 06:34AM
Things like this happen in an environment in which there is a lack of control over a rogue individual who seems obsessed with power and control. Most of the other BLM Rangers I know are reasonable folk who conscientiously go about their jobs of protecting public land resources.

Sure, BLM law enforcement is stretched thin, in Barstow's case it is worse because of its Chief Ranger. A public agency has a responsibility to ensure that those resources are used effectively, to benefit the public and the public's natural resources, and not to advance a petty personal agenda.

Dead Wood (Be Careful!)

mojavegreen 1251November 28, 2003 10:31PM

Re: Dead Wood (Be Careful!)

moose 1006November 29, 2003 06:34AM

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