Indeed it is hard Wizard to make lots of trips back and forth carrying trash. I' ve only done the 3-trip routine twice, and usually it was when I was there alone and without the wife and our 7 year old. However, I am instilling the environmental ethic in my daughter already -one day we loaded up her little daypack with a bunch of empty cans (that someone else left behind of course) and she lugged it out without a complaint! What a trooper! When she asked me "Dad, why do people leave trash at the springs?" I had to try to explain to her that unfortunately some people don't care about nature. She thinks there should be trash cans at the springs -a very logical thought for a 7 year old, but I told her the rangers don't take the trash away, only the volunteers like us. Anyway, we don't go to the springs as much now that its heating up. With summer here, we spend most of our time now at the beach bodyboarding and surfing. But we'll get up there occasionally. It's in our blood - definitely in mine after 20 years of visitation to DCHS. Anyway, I will continue to soak vicariously through all the wonderful trip reports you and others provide. I am worried about the future though -too many unresolved issues involving Mike Castro, the BLM, etc etc. Happy soakin'