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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (100% of Full)


Re: Lazy Sunday

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March 02, 2003 03:18PM
Celtfire, you crack me up :-) Your crystal ball must be working well. Presently the Wizard family and pooches are " close " to napping and chillin out around our digs. Sparky and Tuka are laying out in the sun with thier eyes closed so you hit that one dead on :-) This morning came with clear blue skys and a magnificent view of the new snowfall. It is a fine day of perfectly clear cool air. We were looking for more blue skys at DCHS yesterday but still had a great time. I'm hoping that the rains will provide for lots of flowers this year in the hills and elsewhere :-)

Lazy Sunday

Celtfire 1267March 02, 2003 03:10PM

Re: Lazy Sunday

Wizard 1094March 02, 2003 03:18PM

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