Jon, When you're at the parking area for the Bradford Ridge trail which is at the Kinely creek bridge, if you go back towards Lake Arrowhead its one and a half miles to where the pavement starts. I you go the other direction back down the hill towards the dam its 4.8 miles to the pavement. This dirt road is maintained only periodically and is passable when dry by any two wheel drive vehicle. This road is in good shape as dirt road goes but it does have some ruts and washboard. The Bradford Ridge trail begins to go north from the Kinely Creek bridge. You generally park in the big pull out area on the south side of this bridge. Walk across the bridge going to the east side of kinely creek go to the old abandoned metal pole gate which can be seen from the bridge. You will go around this gate and proceed behind it north for just a short distance, maybe a 150 feet or so just guessing. This will put you into a little canyon or drainage. The trail at that point turns to your left and follows the bottom of this small canyon. A hundred yards or so down this small canyon you will see the trail cut out of this canyon on your right. The trail follows the east side of Kinely creek for about 20 minutes of walking then it pulls away from kinely creek. Once you start descending into the Deep creek canyon you will at one point come to a barbed wire fence. There are two ways to go at this point and the easiest way to proceed is to step over the barbed wire fence and continue north. The trail that goes off to your right at this point is steeper and harder especially when you come back out. Once you reach the PCT follow it upstream to the springs which will be found after about 10 minutes of walking. Good Luck.