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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (91% of Full)


Re: open fires

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November 28, 2002 02:57AM
Thanks Rick for pointing that out. Even if you don't start a major blaze with serious consequences, Forest Service regulations at Deep Creek prohitibit fires and starting one could result in a citation even if you keep it under control. With the Santa Ana wind conditions we have had recently, no one in their right mind could honestly tell themselves that they have control over a fire. Just simply don't light any. Thanks.

open fires

Laughing Bear 1378November 18, 2002 08:34AM

Re: High fire danger

Laughing Bear 732November 20, 2002 08:49AM

Re: open fires

katrina island 1353November 20, 2002 02:23PM

Re: open fires

Rick 1500November 23, 2002 09:59PM

Re: open fires

Ron 1160November 28, 2002 02:57AM

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