Welcome back Paul P. and Viejo Bill. Thanks for all the great suggestions, pointing out my punctuation errors, as well as other options for the name. I like the caretakers thought presented by Katerina.
Arizona Mike in an earlier post in this thread indicated his preference for a name, but then said that whatever the majority decided he will endorse. That is the attitude we all need to have. After Wednesday I will post the final list of names and where the votes stand at that time. From then on we will start eliminating those with least votes till one achieves a majority. This may take some time so I suggests we start working on the brochure already.
I started working on the brochure just over a week ago based on Paul P's etiquette on Katerina's website and the exchange of opinion between DCR, Paul P. and myself on the Mission Statement thread at the end of May. I have also shared the content of the potential brochure with Sycamore Laughing, Wizard, Paul and Arizona Mike and they have all agreed with the genral direction so far. Anyway look for the post and let's start getting some general feedback.
Paul P. , if we can't get to meet at the hot springs maybe we could meet at San Onofre one weekend. I am intrested in matching a name with a face when possible. Let me know if this might work for you.