Regarding the Phoenix Pool, floods do remove sand and expose the leak spots. People have tried over the years to seal them with cement but there are a lot of spots that leak. That pool is the most exposed to flood damage, and its south end was built over various rocks and not solid granite like its northern end. When its leaking like now apparently from the reports, due to the flood, when the creek level is even with the pool level the back pressure keeps the hot water contained in the pool. If the leaks are not plugged then as the stream level goes down the hot pool level will go down to match the creek. The drain that was installed some years ago is prone to leaking around it. Most times people try to seal the leaking with sand bags ( at times plastic bags ) and lots of sand which make that pool more shallow. It is quite a bit deeper when floods remove all the sand. As best I can tell that big triangular shaped boulder that makes up the south end of the pool is just a big rock sitting on other ones in the creek bed. Someday, probably when we are long gone a huge flood will eventually move that boulder

Is that DCV Instagram page related to the DCV Website?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2019 04:05PM by Wizard.