Probably a split second if that. Had many cases of not paying attention to the speed and looking down being surprised. But no, was within the legal threshold quickly.
One thing about driving any country road at night are animals that cross. Night vision assist. It came out in my model year. Expect to see it in more mainstream vehicles next. Basically you get infrared detection past what you see with your headlights. The system cross-references the animal's heat signature with a database of a few hundred animals and tells you what is lurking in the forests around. Supposedly it also "arms" the brakes if you ignore it. What is the formula for stopping distance ... d = -Vo2/(2a)? Anyhow, you get an advance warning of about 150 meters, which is about 40 more than you need to stop safely going about 110 km/hr, which is a life saver. My car has 3 cameras built into the windshield, one is the above, the other two are for pedestrians/bicycles and side collision avoidance. I'm still waiting for when these things drive themselves. I did test the low speed collision avoidance with a plastic cone. It took over the braking within about 3 meters before impact at 20 mph. The computer basically takes over the vehicle for you. Kind of makes for an interesting case. I mean if you hit someone crossing a lot with a shopping cart, are you 80% at fault and the computer is 20% at fault?
No comment on the girlie music.