I was walking out on the Bradford Trail after a very pleasant weekend of June 9 & 10 when I noticed smoke coming from the Bowen Ranch area. Since there was quite a bit of breeze immediately thought that this could be a problem. The DCHS area was covered in smoke in a very short amount of time. Thankfully all the fire agencies arrived quickly and after a few hours the smoke subsided. Saturday evening like usual there were at least three quite large fires on the beach until a San Bernardino County Sheriff helicopter flew over very low several times. I tried to encourage every one that I saw that camp fires were not a good idea especially at this time of year. If a fire gets started in the DCHS area where there are no roads to speak of the problem could get out of hand. Hopefully this will encourage regulars to do their best to discourage the practice of campfires. Right now the beach is covered with remnants of the many campfires. Thanks to the help of so many regulars the trash is disappearing. Hello campfires are not reasonable risk. Thanks