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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Re: toads in the news

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May 02, 2001 08:21PM
I have been reading an article in the May National Geographic that discusses how amphibians are disappearing around the world. Pollution, disease and habit loss are the main reasons behind these declines. Alot of frog and toad species are disappearing with no cause that is obvious. The article discusses a recently discovered fungus ( chytrid ) which is thought to be behind the disapperance of many species of amphibians around the world, including the U.S. This fungus is thought to release a toxin as it eats the proteins in a frogs skin. So why is the arroyo toad in decline. To suggest that the relatively small amount of people who visit the hotspings are affecting the habit in any meaningful way of a toad that has miles and miles of stream area to utilize is foolishness. Hotspringers have not removed the habitat in the Deep Creek area. What about pollution. Could it be said that the trash that is present at times at Deep Creek Hotsprings ( a very small localized area ) is damaging even anything of any consequence along Deep Creek. This is another argument that holds no merit. Its just plain stupid to try and suggest something like this. Upstream Deep Creek and Holcomb creek come together and then flow as Deep Creek to the Mohave dam. There is no development in these drainage areas except some campgrounds and a few homes spread out so nothing that would apparently be introducing any pollution into the stream. I think if they find a reason for this toads disapearance it will be from something like a naturally occuring disease or from long term climate change in the area which may have altered the habitat of these toads in a way that they can not tolerate. The toads or thier young could also be affected by some new unidentifyed prey species, especially ones that might affect the tadpole stage. They don't know why these toads are disapearing, maybe the chytrid fungus is killing them? These endangered species being used as tools for land control is getting " OUT OF CONTROL ". STOP THE MADDNESS! Happy Soakin :-)

toads in the news

free our forests 2366May 02, 2001 02:43PM

Re: toads in the news

Wizard 1390May 02, 2001 08:21PM

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