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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (91% of Full)


Re: weather today (trip update)

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April 15, 2002 05:01PM
too bad, three years later and tony is still talking about tweeker rehab with anyone deep creek brings his way. count yourself lucky that you were occupied with the walk down. last we encountered him in '99 he'd taxied in local teenagers and two cases of bottle beer. it was still winter and we looked forward to the solitude that the time of year would offer. tony and crew showed up with a shuffle, lost a good deal of their beer noisily crossing the creek, and settled in for a par-ty. compulsory but unsuccessful idiotic group think attempt to make a bonfire, that's how we meet the crew-trying to disuade them from sparking up. tony ends up odd man out of the highschool party right quick and seeks solace of the only other folks around, us. and this time he was definitely tweeking. a barnacle on the best boat we call friendship...bs, denial, contradiction, self pity and a dark seven hour monologue plus a brow beating ordeal over stash, as you so vividly described. we were relying on the springs, all of us, as protection against the cold. the partyers hiked out with first light and tony dashed out after them, we rounded up 33 beer bottles and hiked them out. the trail was not comprimised, but we could still see the so smooth drag mark their cooler left behind rudied again by bunches of pairs of footprints out. we added our prints to the trail having split the extra load out three ways, we made it out safely. poor tony.

weather today

mark (newguy) 1393March 18, 2002 10:16AM

Re: weather today

Rick 771March 18, 2002 04:34PM

Re: weather today

mp 722March 18, 2002 11:46PM

Re: weather today

mark (newguy) 751March 19, 2002 08:36AM

Re: weather today

Wizard 708March 19, 2002 10:00AM

Re: weather today

mark (newguy) 823March 19, 2002 10:18AM

Re: weather today (trip update)

mark (newguy) 687March 20, 2002 01:10PM

Re: weather today (trip update)

Ryan 763March 20, 2002 04:23PM

Re: weather today (trip update)

Rick 857March 25, 2002 10:29AM

Re: weather today (trip update)

aesop 1143April 15, 2002 05:01PM

Re: weather today

Wizard 800March 21, 2002 07:43AM

Re: weather today

DCR 776March 23, 2002 09:01AM

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