US Forest Service
San Bernardino National Forest
602 S. Tippecanoe Ave San Bernardino, CA 92408
Contact: John Miller (909) 382-2788
US Forest Service Reopens Pacific Crest Trail near Big Bear
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif., August 7, 2008-- The San Bernardino National Forest has reopened the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in the Big Bear area to hiking and horseback riding. The seven mile section of the Pacific Crest Trail above Fawnskin was closed as a result of damage from the Butler II and Slide fires last fall. Little Bear Springs Trail Camp on the PCT remains closed. Visitors are reminded that mountain bikes and motorized vehicles are not allowed on the Pacific Crest Trail.
"After the fire, local trail crews, supported by a tree falling crew from Oregon, have worked to remove over one thousand burned trees along the trail" said Mountaintop Recreation Officer Paul Bennett. "Unfortunately, Little Bear Springs Trail Camp suffered quite a bit of damage and will remain closed for quite some time."
The Pacific Crest Trail is the jewel in the crown of America's scenic trails, spanning 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada through three western states, with 160 miles on the San Bernardino National Forest. It reveals the beauty of the desert, unfolds the glaciated expanses of the Sierra Nevada, and provides commanding vistas of volcanic peaks and glaciers in the Cascade Range. The trail also passes through historic mining sites and evidence of human's endless quest for natural resources. Thousands of hikers and equestrians enjoy this national treasure each year. Some only travel a few miles, while others complete every mile in a single season!
The history of the Pacific Crest Trail started when the route was first explored in the late 1930s by teams of young men from the YMCA. Once proven feasible, trail pioneers Clinton Clarke and Warren Rogers lobbied the federal government to secure a border-to-border trail corridor. They had to settle, however, for several disconnected trails along the crest of each state. Largely through the efforts of hikers and equestrians, the PCT was eventually designated one of the first scenic trails in the National Trails System authorized by Congress in 1968, and was dedicated in 1993.
Stop by the Big Bear Discovery Center on Highway 38 in Fawnskin for the latest information on trails and other recreational opportunities in the Big Bear area.