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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (91% of Full)


Re: Accurate Weekend Stats

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January 26, 2002 08:40PM
The Arizona pool is the one furthest up stream near the creek level. Then there are three in a row as the water flows, the first being the Aniversary pool, then the biggest pool, the Womb. We talked about naming the next one down from the Womb and it seemed the most interest was in calling it the Serenity pool which I think would be a good name for it so I guess thats what I'll call it in the future. My wife came up with that name while watching a comercial and I'll leave the rest of the story to your imagination :-) Lastly there is the Crab Cooker which is the hottest and is only big enough for one person to lay in it and for me that would'nt be for long at 114 degrees. Arizona Mike came up with the name for the Arizona pool. He told me that in Arizona where he used to live people have rooms in their house with lots of sunshine and they call these rooms the Arizona rooms. The Arizona Pool gets the most sunshine, year round of all the pools so thats the reason for this name. The Aniversary pool was done by a group of people over the course of about a week. I guess the story goes that it was a couples aniversary and they got together with friends down there and built this pool. I talked with one of the builders and he said it was a real fun time during that week building the pool. I like the name for the biggest pool as the Womb. It is a wonderful warm cradle of comfort. I don't know who came up with that name. The pool I will refer to as the Serenity pool had no name that I had heard from anybody so I think Serenity would describe nicely a quality that people seek when they come to relax in these special waters. The Crab Cooker name has been around for a long time and I don't know the story of where that name came from but that water is so hot you could almost cook some crab in it, well maybe sushi style crab :-)

Accurate Weekend Stats

TikiBeachClub 1676January 26, 2002 07:45AM

Re: Accurate Weekend Stats

Wizard 965January 26, 2002 09:20AM

Re: Accurate Weekend Stats

Wizard 1053January 26, 2002 09:25AM

Re: Accurate Weekend Stats

TikiBeachClub 855January 26, 2002 10:04AM

Re: Accurate Weekend Stats

Wizard 1229January 26, 2002 08:40PM

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