Thanks, Brother Bear.
The Sheriff's report would have reflected that the caretaker of Summerwind Ranch had the dogs and the weapon. The dogs weren't snarling and the gun was holstered. They have good dogs and they bark when visitors approach as they should. Gail has exaggerated the whole affair. No one was threatened.
I allowed these neighbors to ride on my property until the Willow Fire. I asked them to stop to let the area recover. They became resentful. Their own ranch was spared by the fire and so I guess they couldn't relate. They cut their way in and the tracks led directly to and from Summerwind Ranch.
The caretaker is a hothead and the non-resident owner backed him up. I offered to shake hands with the owner, but he refused.
On the day that Paradise burned, the caretaker came out and ordered all the locals away, telling them they were on private property. As you know, Summerwind property starts farther down the road.
I was talking to Glen Schmidt from Oak Springs Ranch at the time. The whole crew from Oak Springs was there to say goodbye to an old friend. It was early morning, and a pile of burning tires had created a huge black cloud. Several firetrucks were on hand, but there was nothing they could do. The house was classic and had been used in at least one Hollywood film.
Glen told the hothead caretaker he was out of line, and besides the people standing around were the ones that they would have to depend on to save their horses in case of fire. We just ignored the hothead.
The owners (the Bashas) are probably good people, but have such a fear of people on the mountain that they live in town. The caretaker probably works up that fear so he and his wife can continue to live for free. The Bashas have never gotten to know anyone, so don't realize that they have some fine neighbors.
The ranch was built up by Phil and Ramona Carmel and family, who some of you may have had the pleasure to know. It was a picturesque place and they raised llamas, so we called it the Llama Ranch. Their door was always open. We were sad to see them leave. (If you ever need insurance he probably still deals State Farm in Hesperia.)
Last time I talked to Phil, he said he was thinking of writing up some mountain history. He was with us during some colorful times, as you well know.
You know Glen Schmidt at Oak Springs, Gail. Give him a shout. He will tell you more about the hothead at the "OK Corral".