I've been informed that Linda Hansen, BLM's California Desert District manager, is refusing to attend or send a representative to the "Communities Under Siege" OHV workshop next week in Joshua Tree. This is despite an invitation sent to her well in advance. If this were a meeting promoting OHV use, would the BLM be attending? I think so.
The BLM needs to realize that unchecked OHV use, often in violation of State laws and BLM's own regulations, is impacting public land resources, other recreationists and adjacent property owners. I believe the BLM has a responsibility to do what it can to mitigate these impacts in a manner as fair and impartial as possible.
Instead, BLM's Barstow Chief Ranger has abdicated his responsibilities to enforce OHV regulations in areas officially "Closed" to OHV use, and those designated open to "Limited use". He has shifted almost all of his staff resources to the designated OHV "Open areas", including Dumont Dunes, El Mirage Dry Lake, Johnson Valley, etc. Go to Dumont Dunes this weekend and you will see lots of rangers, while Juniper Flats and other areas are unpatrolled.
The BLM, like many other public agencies, receives grants from the State OHV fund each year for its OHV enforcement activities. This fund, financed thru OHV green sticker fees, has many purposes, including mitigation of OHV impacts. If BLM is no longer interested in enforcement outside its designated "Open Areas", then interested people have the option to write the OHV Commission and request their grant allocation be reduced accordingly. Address: OHMVR Commission, PO Box 942896, Sacramento, CA 94296
The BLM needs to restore some semblance of balance to its OHV program.