Yikes! A great example of what can go wrong in a hurry. My flying days have similar stories and I shudder at some of them - like a near miss with an Eastern Airlines jet in upstate NY. The lady watching from 14J seemed nervous. Neither the Eastern pilot or I wanted to formally note a near-miss, though. And as for the You-tube clips... they're funny, a bit nerve-wracking, less than inspiriby To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Great stories! But, if this is typical of your sailing experience, you might ask yourself (instead of the instructor) if you should give up. Maybe hot springs and 100 miles in 3 minutes is more your speed..!by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
This is cool stuff. Thanks. I had looked at those new Spots, but hadn't done an awful lot of research on them. And yes, all this stuff does blow me away completely. I'm old enough to remember party lines, but tech-savvy enough to understand this amazing system that exists now. A 44,000 thousand mile conversation?! And with only a 1/4 second delay (although yes, that is a frustrating delay,by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Very funny! I've been in that movie, too! Still, Trader Joe's Organic Corn Chips. Better than Frito's and they only come in one size bag, Mohave! (thicker, too)by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Mohave.. This is way cool. Nice improvements and now I'm interested. My son does yacht deliveries - he rents a sat phone to txt me lat and long, then I text back to him an abbreviated weather for the next 48 hours. This looks like a perfect answer. What's your subscription, if you don't mind my asking?by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Trade Joe's Organic Corn Chips!by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Thanks for forwarding, Mohave.... With efforts of all of us, maybe we can keep it safe, clean, open and a continued treasure.by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Holy smokes! There were bears up there? They didn't tell me about bears! I did a similar trip, Mohave, in the Lake Timagami area through Alogonquin Provincial Park, with a YMCA group out of Rochester, NY. Great memories of that, shooting moderate rapids with Grumman canoes, long portages and cursed beavers, too. I think we were out for about 2 weeks on that trip and the skills learned (evenby To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Nickr: Neo offers good advice Get the lay of the land, don't worry about paying double (you mentioned tax dollars already paid, but Bowen Ranch is private land with access to BLM land). The Bowen trail is a great way to learn about the area, it has the easiest trails and great campsites. The sites are rustic, but you're used to that. You mentioned you've been there before, but a reminder thby To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Good job, Jobe! What do you use? I'll pick up some of the same if it works well and have it on the next trip.by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Sam D... Thank you for all your efforts - and to everyone who helps keep this great place clean. I do have a thought, and a suggestion, though, in the interest of inspiration to everyone who uses the place. If we all take a bag with us, pick up what we can carry - and then carry it all the way out - the place will always be better than we left it. Sam, your efforts are great, but the fear I hby To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Jobe, you did an amazing job. I stopped down yesterday (Monday morning) and the place looked pretty good, particularly considering it was such a busy weekend. I brought out some stuff I found along the trail and around the pools, but found that the folks there were doing a nice job, overall, at picking up their own - and others'.by To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Ah, those college years. At a small New England college, I was busted for rapelling off the girl's 5 story dorm while we were training for an upcoming caving expedition in Puerto Rico. But, we didn't spray paint anything. Am new to posting on this forum, but have read these threads since we first started coming down nearly 3 years ago. And, while I nearly always will haul out more than I bby To Escape - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California