you also went out side around midnight not 3amby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
I was by no means disrespecting sam d in my last post. he is a great outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Quotejuliankaye you guys need to give outlaw a break and not focus on her opinion of gays, but the fact she felt harassed by a large , very intimidating, group of guys. I saw this group and they were way over the top and if they were indeed bothering her boyfriend then she has every right to complain and call them whatever she wants. Thank you for seeing the picture. But I have come to understaby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Thanks, I do agree what I said was out of line because of the choice of words I used. next time ill be more respectful of my use of "swear words".by outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
OH MY GOSH! good old california laws on my side Lie on my behalf again and i will press charges against this site. Btw I have a saved frozen frame of evey post i have been a part of, so deleting the post you lied to the public on my behalf has a copie on my computer Crimes Act 1958 - SECT 83A Falsification of documents 83A. Falsification of documents (1) A person mustby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
QuotePaul P. QuoteoutlawHEART i didnt say sorry. stop editing my posts thats illegal. you can delete them but putting words in my mouth cant be legal. Besides being profane, apparently you do not have a sense of humor!! Too the way, putting words in your mouth is not illegal (but it is unsanitary;-) We will monitor your future posts carefully, please refrain from unnecessary profanby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
no Im not the chick you are drooling over...sorry. I can assure this because we didnt go down until after the sunset. but I agree that these people are destroying the bueaty of the outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
This is why forums are bad. more Deepcreekhotsprings outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Yeah gay dudes that wouldnt leave us alone. they where telling my boyfriend to undress and wouldnt go away. so we left befor my boyfriend and his best friend reacted. we dont mind that gays love this place they just need to respect it and the people. I was worried my ex-con boyfriend and his military friend where going to force the gay campers out of there. P.s. I hope the lost hickers foundby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
hay sam d we met you a few months back in saline v and we might be heading to dchs this upcomming sat. hope to see you outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Geeze.. I wanted to go sometime next week. I guess I'll wait an extra couple weeks =(by outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
I had the most beautiful time there with you love. You posted this on my birthday =)by outlawHEART - California Hot Springs
Wizard.........These accusations may seem obviously false to you, but were you there? Did you witness these act? Just because you think you know someone doesn't make a person incapable of an act such as this. People are unpredictable. We all do things that are sometimes unexpected. I do NOT know KIngNate personally, but judging by his posts he is pretty blunt when it comes to getting his poiby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
As a young female who visits frequently, I appreciate the warning very much. Thank you KingNate! It seems most people here take almost everything so personal and literal. Just because the word "gay" was used does not make someone a homophobe. That word gets tossed around like an adjective with many other meanings. And if you really think about it, it doesn't make sense for someoneby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
To Wizard>> It happened on the 25th. To Rudedog>> Yes it really happened. Outlaw doesn't bullshit (it would be pointless to write about something happening that didn't) To Jobe>> Sadly it wasn't the white explorer. It was 2 other vehicles; a car and a truckby outlawHEART - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California