Ya, but I got forced into it! Actually, we were all forced into wearing our swimmies, almost all of us anyway.
Here's the story on the photo from that issue of the Hot Springs Gazette, issue#19 as I recall.
Years ago shortly after the completion of the Arizona Pool, co-author, (David Bybee) of the Jason Loam series of books, (Hot Springs of the Northwest/Southwest/U.S.) and the Hot Springs Gazette, asked me months before the photo was to be taken, when it would be a good time to take a photo of the pool? I remember replying to him, ..... in mid-November mid-morning. Mid-November because as you can from the photo, those sycamore trees are at their peak of Autumn color.
Yes I am the one in the red hat and was asked to wear it by Dave, along with my swimmies. To my left in the red swim suit is Venus Joesph and boyfriend at the time Dave Boyer and their first child. Tallahassee Joe, (JOBE) sitting in front of me as well.
Mr. David Bybee insisted on photographing my hiking boots and range juice on the rock to.
A wonderful morning at the hot springs!