In compliance with Title 43 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 9212.2 and to prevent wildfire during severe burning conditions, the following acts are prohibited on Public Lands within the Bureau of Land Management’s Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office jurisdiction beginning May 15, 2012 and continuing until further notice: Whitewater Closure: Order Number CA-060-11-01
The following is prohibited on federal lands unless otherwise noted:
1.It is illegal to enter and be upon public lands that are described and identified as the “Fire Closure Area” in Exhibits A and B, attached to and made part of this order. Exhibits A and B are the map and legal description of the Fire Closure Area, respectively. Violation of this order is punishable by a fine of not more than $ 1,000 or imprisonment for not more than 12 months, or both. (Title 43, C.F.R. §9212.4)
Exemptions: Pursuant to Title 43 CFR 9212.2, the following persons are exempt from this order.
- Persons with a permit from or contract with the BLM that specifically authorizes the otherwise prohibited act.
- Persons using the Whitewater Canyon Road as a means of accessing the Whitewater Preserve operated by the Wildlands Conservancy.
- Owners or lessees of land in the area for the purpose of accessing that land.
- Residents in the area for the purpose of accessing their residence.
- Persons engaged in a business, trade, or occupation in the area requiring passage through or upon BLM land in order to conduct such business, trade or occupation.
- Any other person meeting exemption or requirements specified in the order.
- Persons with a permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act.
- Any Federal, State, or local Officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.
- Hikers utilizing the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and specified connector trails when in compliance with all other applicable fire restrictions and orders.
John R. Kalish
Field Manager