Los Padres Seeks Public Input on Big Sur Condor Retrofit Project
Release Date: Apr 1, 2011
Contact(s): Lynn Olson (831) 385-5434, Andrew Madsen (805) 961-5759, Joe Pasinato (805) 961-5745
KING CITY, Calif….The Monterey Ranger District of Los Padres National Forest is seeking public input regarding a proposal for a special use authorization that would permit Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) to construct, operate, and maintain a buried distribution powerline on National Forest System lands to provide service to facilities at the Anderson Peak Communication Site.
The proposed action—also referred to as the “Big Sur Condor Retrofit Project”—is intended to reduce the likelihood endangered California condors would fly into the existing overhead distribution lines. The proposal would permit PG&E to remove the existing overhead distribution line and replace it with an underground line adjacent to an existing fiber optic line. Approximately 1.2 miles of this line would be located within National Forest System lands outside the Ventana Wilderness. “Before we make a decision on this, I want to make sure the public has the opportunity to read the proposal and share their thoughts with us,” said Monterey District Ranger Sherry Tune.
The scoping packet—as well as more information about PG&E’s proposal—is available on the Los Padres National Forest website at:
Information is also available to the public at the Big Sur Library and the multi-agency visitor information center at the Big Sur Station on Highway 1, as well as the Monterey Ranger District Office at 406 South Mildred in King City.
For questions about the proposal, please contact Project Team Leader Donna Toth at (805) 925-9538 ext. 227. Comments can be mailed to Ms. Toth at the King City district office, or submitted electronically to: