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Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

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September 30, 2004 08:34AM
Bowen Ranch Rd. needs posted speed limits and a warning of this dangerous curve.

My '75 Powerwagon was severely damaged several years back on this curve after being hit by two trucks in succession racing and losing control on this curve, ending up on the wrong side of the road. Both of the compact trucks were totalled. Their roadrace followed a drinking session which followed a paintball game. The investigating Highway Patrol showed a high level of interest in their drunken condition.

Given the high level of accidents, a local resident assumed the task of maintaining cautionary markers on Deadman's Curve. Hower, the grader crew confiscates them if they are in place when they pass through. Since the grader crew was due, the markers were not in place. The road was graded the next day (Monday). The marker service is being discontinued as the volunteer who formerly serviced this curve is moving into town.

I am not sure if there has been a recorded fatality to earn the name Deadman's curve. If not, there is a high potential that someone will provide that qualification, given the number of serious accidents at that location.

Repeat: Bowen Ranch Rd. needs posted speed limits and a warning of this dangerous curve.

Deadman's Curve claims F-150

mojavegreen 1542September 27, 2004 11:36PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

LaughingBear 1032September 28, 2004 06:12AM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

Paul P. 817September 28, 2004 10:21AM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

mojavegreen 811September 28, 2004 01:20PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

jobe 775September 29, 2004 07:28PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

mojavegreen 740September 30, 2004 08:34AM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

LaughingBear 746September 30, 2004 08:44AM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

mojavegreen 798October 08, 2004 10:47AM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

jobe 953October 08, 2004 05:05PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

mojavegreen 1204October 09, 2004 01:52PM

La Van

jobe 767October 01, 2004 08:49PM

Re: La Van

jobe 705October 02, 2004 10:30AM

Re: La Van

Rick 713October 02, 2004 11:41AM

Oops, I hit the wrong button

katrina island 745October 02, 2004 02:18PM

Re: LeVan

mojavegreen 755October 03, 2004 01:34PM

Re: LeVan

jobe 780October 04, 2004 09:04PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

sycamorelaughing 915October 03, 2004 06:45PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

LaughingBear 787October 08, 2004 10:12PM

Re: Deadman's Curve claims F-150

Rick 863October 09, 2004 10:02AM

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