Our August meeting was a little smaller than usual, possibly in part due to me sending out a late reminder, some people having to work and some others were off enjoying the end of the summer.
Anyway our meeting started shortly after 1:30 with Richard, Ralph, one visitor and myself.
1) Membership and Funds Changes: We have one new member since last month that signed up using the electronic form feature on our website. Our total memebership is now 29. There have been no changes to our cash reserves since last month which currently stand at $191. We discussed briefly the renewal of our P.O. Box and it was suggested that we might want a smaller chaper box, but as Ralph pointed out that would require a change of the number on all printed material. For now we decided to stay with the same number for the next six months.
2) Website Changes: A new page has been added to our website suggesting to potential visitors what they should take when visiting the springs. Hopefully, this might reduce some helicopter rescues. A link has also been added to our home page that connects to the page Ralph set up for our Newsletter. He will be adding our first newsletter there shortly. You can check out the website at http://blacksbeach.org/dcv.htm.
3) Fall Clean-up Day: Our fall clean-up day is scheduled to coincide with our September meeting on Saturday 25. The USFS have sent us an email confirming the will be having a clean-up day on the 25th as well. The USFS plan to meet at the Carrows in Hesperia for breakfast, with the intention of having a briefing and leaving from there at 9:00. DCV members had planned on meeting at the Bowen Ranch also around 9:00 and clean the trail on the way down. The good news is that both the trail and the area close to the springs are quite clean, so the USFS is suggesting that if there is not much trash we will work on other projects. Some that were suggested at our meeting were, cigarrette butts and candle wax removal, trail maintenance on the portion that goes behind the Mofo hill, and possibly uproot some of the Scotts Broom that was sprouting nicely again. If you would like to participate and recive more information please send us an email to deepcreekvolunteers@hotmail.com (you may use the link at the bottom of this page).
4) Other Issues: Richard informed us that the springs have been quite quiet during the week with a lot less party goers and campers that he had complained about last month. Richard also indicated that he found an email sent the week before our meeting as a very helpful reminder of the upcoming meeting.
With that our meeting was adjouned just around 2:00 p.m. We spent the rest of the afternoon colecting some trash and socializing in the lagoon.