Had a near-perfect day at the hot springs Saturday. First off, no Scott. I talked to lots of people, and discovered that most had been annoyed by Scott to one degree or another. Well, I just figured he was well-intentioned but misguided, but I discovered another bit of handywork attributed to him, and if he really did it then I am sorely pissed at him. What I discovered is that a channel had been cut down the bank to the Anniversary pool, cutting through and exposing some of the roots of that poor little pine that has been struggling so hard to live there. The pine looks almost dead now. A few people said Scott did it. My benefit of the doubt is running a little thin right now.
The springs area was mostly clean as a whistle. Frank was there, and managed to collect a few small bags of trash. No glass!! One group had a tent up under the shade trees and had apparently spent the night. They claimed that they would carry out all of their trash and pick up all of their cigarette butts, but they overlooked a few details when they left. Their area was strewn with fresh cigarette butts, and one of Scott's white buckets was left full of trash.
Paul, Frank, and I divided up the trash and took it out. We also took one of the metal poles from Scott's teepee tent out. We'll get the rest of it out if we have to take out one piece at a time each trip.
I watered the trees as soon as I arrived, but they seemed so thirsty that I watered them again before I left. They will have a hard time this summer without plenty of water, so anyone visiting please water them!!! They are cottonwoods, so don't worry about overwatering, they can use all they get. When they get big, their roots will go deep enough so they won't need the attention, but for now they are some very thirsty trees.
Lots of nice people there and lots of respect shown. Thank you to all who care about the springs!!
p.s. No new candle wax!