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Re: Guess who's back?

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June 15, 2004 02:13PM
Rick wrote:

> Nothing against the 70's

> Not even the hair?

What have you got against the Musical? I rather liked it and still listen to the CD from time to time. My teenage kids listen to it now and are somewhat surprised by the lyrics. Not many singers today would get away with what was allowed back them.

I am often disappointed by the fact that many of today's parents/political leaders that lived through much freer times when they were young, now impose very strict "politically correct" standards on our current youth. What hypocrisy!

I am not defending everything that occurred in the 70's and during the hippie times, but lets not thorugh out the baby with the bath water. I feel that we have now gone overboard in the other direction and it will probably be the generation that is in school today that will start to move the pendulum back again.

Let there be Peace and people be individual thinkers and not puppets of the mass media and politicians! Of course Rick there is nothing personal in this, just expressing my opinion about the state of our society today!

Guess who's back?

sycamorelaughing 1359June 12, 2004 08:44AM

Re: Guess who's back?

ezzpete 1031June 12, 2004 03:09PM

Re: Guess who's back?

celtfire 949June 13, 2004 10:16AM

Re: Guess who's back?

Wizard 912June 13, 2004 10:28AM

Re: Guess who's back?

ezzpete 835June 13, 2004 05:59PM

Re: Guess who's back?

sycamorelaughing 927June 13, 2004 06:29PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Rick 852June 13, 2004 06:35PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Paul P. 814June 13, 2004 11:14PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Arizona Mike 954June 14, 2004 06:02AM

Re: Guess who's back?

ezzpete 1145June 14, 2004 07:03PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Arizona Mike 817June 15, 2004 05:48AM

Re: Guess who's back?

sycamorelaughing 819June 15, 2004 10:42AM

Re: Guess who's back?

Rick 827June 15, 2004 11:03AM

Re: Guess who's back?

ezzpete 871June 15, 2004 05:15PM

Re: Guess who's back?

sycamorelaughing 834June 15, 2004 06:38PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Wizard 824June 13, 2004 10:33AM

Re: Guess who's back?

celtfire 1447June 13, 2004 04:28PM

Re: Guess who's back?

LaughingBear 858June 14, 2004 07:03AM

Re: Guess who's back?

ezzpete 1459June 14, 2004 07:11PM

Re: Guess who's back?

LaughingBear 818June 14, 2004 10:21PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Ron 939June 15, 2004 02:13PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Arizona Mike 797June 15, 2004 04:31PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Paul P. 952June 15, 2004 04:46PM

Re: Guess who's back?

celtfire 803June 16, 2004 10:45AM

Re: Guess who's back?

Ron 871June 16, 2004 02:45PM

Re: Guess who's back?

Arizona Mike 816June 16, 2004 08:15PM

Re: Guess who's back?

jobe 1254June 20, 2004 08:44AM

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