I spent some time at DCHS late in the day on Sunday and came across Scott sitting under the trees at the area he was previously selling things. He had a white sign on his pack advertising beer for sale. I engaged him in a " less than friendly " conversation about his activities at the springs. His answers to my questions to him were predictable, evasive and mixed with lies. He said in so many words that he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him and what he is doing at DCHS, and that he will continue to do what he wants to down there. Shortly after our conversation began he put his " Beer for sale " sign away and left my vicinity saying that I was " crazy " and that he has the support of people at the springs, and even implied that the USFS support him. I overheard him just afterwards discussing his payment for beer he had sold to people at the Arizona Pool. I did get a copy of the yellow ( 8x11 ) handout he has been distributing at the springs. In this handout, one section says " Thank You, Many thanks to San Bernardino Sheriffs Office for their lightning Response and continued support ". Of course the truth is the USFS and the Sheriffs love him so much that they gave him a personal escort out of the canyon recently for his activivities of vending, and taking up residence at these public springs. In this handout there is also listed a phone number ( 760-243-8711 to be contacted if " you are intimidated or victimized by any individual or group on the trails, at the Bowen Ranch or at the springs ". Scott may feel he is a victim, but the reality is, he is a victim of his own behavior.