A couple of your contacts are outdated:
1. Roger Bruckner is no longer Special Agent in Charge, the head of law enforcement for BLM California. Bruckner was a longtime supporter of Chief Ranger Nelson. I understand that an individual name of Rob Smith is in charge temporarily. California BLM State Office Address: 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA 95825. This applies for Smith, Pool and Abbott.
2. Dennis Mclane of BLM's National Law Enforcement Office is retired. The new BLM Chief of Law Enforcement is Bill Woody. His address is c/o BLM, 1849 "C" St NW, Washington DC 20240. Mr. Woody is ultimately responsible for investigation of misconduct complaints of against BLM law enforcement officers, though the State Director and Special Agent in Charge have much influence also. Confused? Well, this IS the Federal Government!!!