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BLM Deputy State Director acknowledged easement for Moss Mill Road

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March 28, 2004 12:05PM
On September 25, 1989, the Deputy State Director, wrote an internal memorandum to the Regional Solicitor (Attorney) regarding this land exchange:

4. Copy of Notice of Realty Action (NORA) published in Federal Register April 27, 1989 (54 FR 18163).

Note: All Federal and non-Federal lands were published except the non-Federal land described on page 8 of draft deed (middle of page) as "that certain easement for road purposes .... over and across the east 30 feet of the SE1/4NE1/4 Section 11, T. 3N., R. 3 W." This is a fee easement purchased by the private owner; therefore it appears the easement must be published.

This documents that the BLM knew about the easement and that this easement was part of the land exchange.

Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

katrina island 1445March 28, 2004 11:57AM

BLM Deputy State Director acknowledged easement for Moss Mill Road

katrina island 870March 28, 2004 12:05PM

BLM's latest letter on Moss Mill Road

katrina island 835March 28, 2004 01:09PM

Re: BLM's latest letter on Moss Mill Road

mojavegreen 724March 28, 2004 08:17PM

Re: BLM Deputy State Director acknowledged easement for Moss Mill Road

mojavegreen 729March 29, 2004 03:54AM

Re: BLM Deputy State Director acknowledged easement for Moss Mill Road

mojavegreen 814March 30, 2004 04:05AM

Re: BLM Deputy State Director acknowledged easement for Moss Mill Road

katrina island 748March 30, 2004 12:19PM

Re: BLM Deputy State Director acknowledged easement for Moss Mill Road

mojavegreen 746March 30, 2004 02:50PM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

LaughingBear 785March 28, 2004 09:50PM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

Rick 803March 28, 2004 10:55PM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

katrina island 777March 29, 2004 10:22AM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

mojavegreen 790March 30, 2004 09:50AM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

Rick 926March 30, 2004 11:13AM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

mojavegreen 651March 30, 2004 03:00PM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

katrina island 1406March 30, 2004 03:19PM

Re: Moss Mill Easement (Easement owned by the Public)

mojavegreen 1211March 30, 2004 06:43PM

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