Regarding that year of heavy rain in 92, if you click on the link below, " more hot spring pictures, then go to the bottom of that page and click on page 4 under Wizard, there are two pictures there taken later that 92 season of the lush growth at DCHS. Picture #1 on page 4 shows the Arizona Pool and lots of green growth around it. Notice behind the woman sitting in the pool, that the small trees that people today sit under in the sandy spot, are just visible as small " sprouts " behind the woman. Sycamore knows that spot in the shade by the Arizona Pool well, quite a change eh Sycamore :-) In picture 8 on Page 4 you see some folks having lunch ( including AZ Mike ) under lush trees which were later regretably cut down by a visitor, mad at his girlfriend and took out his anger on the group of Sycamore trees shown, as the story goes. This photo was also taken in the early summer that year of heavy rains. Just look at the trees, shade aplenty back then. Look at the size of the leaves on the tree in the left side of this photo on a branch hanging low. That year saw extensive growth of plants and trees all around DCHS. Also on page 4 is a rare photo of " the unknown hotspringer ", a friend to OZ for sure :-)