Great letter, Miguel!
Here is the letter I just emailed (I copied and pasted it here from Word, so it may not look identical to the original):
Dear Ms. Thompson,
I am a frequent user of Deep Creek Hot Springs as well as a member of Deep Creek Volunteers. I appreciate your response to our group regarding the current closure of Deep Creek Hot Springs.
I am writing today to urge you and other USFS personnel to reopen Deep Creek Hot Springs for use by Deep Creek Volunteers as well as many other responsible users who are honoring the closure. The current closure not only negatively impacts those of us who find so much value in soaking in the springs, but also the springs themselves.
People with less regard for, or knowledge of the current closure continue to use the springs without the benefit of responsible users being there to monitor use. Local residents report that people are camping there, and that trash is accumulating.
Please reopen Deep Creek Hot Springs. Our group has offered to provide volunteer labor to help put up signs indicating areas that need to remain closed due to fire damage. The presence of our group as well as other responsible users can assist in preventing trespass into areas that may be dangerous.
An immediate reopening of the springs will benefit the springs and assure that the area is being kept clean. It will benefit the many users who frequent the springs for health, spiritual values, and the love of nature. It will also benefit the USFS in helping to prevent illegal camping, campfires, and trespass into dangerous areas affected by the fires.
Thank you for consideration of my request.
(deleted name)
Cc: Ken Harp
Allison Stewart