I this e-mail to all 3 addresses:
"Dear Forest Service Officer:
As a long time user of Deep Creek Hot Springs, I am disappointed that it is closed due to the fires.
I would like to request that if there is ANY way to open this part of the forest to the public it should be done a.s.a.p..
I understand that the main safety concern is regarding other parts of the forest. It seems to me that other parts of the Forest could be closed off if necessary, with appropriate signs and threat of fines. But closing the Springs will not necessary help protect the forest, for reasons outlined below.
One of many reasons I think the Springs should remain open is that if is is made illegal, then only the scofflaws will use it, and they are the ones most likely to build a fire down there. And if it is closed to those of us who use it responsibly, then we won't know about anyone building an illegal fire, nor be able to report it to the Forest Service. By keeping it open, you can ensure that it is cared for and that any illegal camping or fires will be reported to you.
In closing, please know that many very responsible people wish to use the Springs and that we wish to keep it open. I have been using it for many years, and it helps my bad back a great deal. Also it is a great way for us to get out into nature and enjoy the forest for a day, to escape from the city life here in L.A..
Please open Deep Creek Hot Springs as soon as possible. "
Will let you know if I get a response, or not...