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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (75% of Full)


As to the closure...

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November 24, 2003 06:50PM
I am not a regular here, but I have been going to Deep Creek for many many years, sometimes once or twice a year, sometimes more, sometimes less.

You folks here probably have the ability to go there more than I do and have more at stake and know more, but I'm going to give you my 2 cents worth, anyway, based on some stuff I've read here.

1) I don't see how it's Bowen Ranch's responsibility to post signs at the lower entrance to the hot springs. If the Forest Service wants people not to enter the Hot Springs THEY should post signs at all entrances. As far as I'm concerned, if there's no FS "Official" sign where there should be one, then I'm going in.

2) I don't think this guy Castro has the right to threaten anyone who may be camping down there. It's not his job, he's not the Sheriff, and if he was the Law, and he threatened to shoot someone for camping, I think he could be easily fired if it were proven. As it is, he could be charged for threatening someone with a gun. Come on people, this isn't the Old West. If someone is violating park policy and you want something done about it, call the Forest Service and get them to enforce it. If they can't or won't enforce it, then you shouldn't either. If you want to try to talk the guy out of camping there for reasons of keeping DC safe, then I'm all for it. But threating someone with a gun isn't cool. In fact, it's exactly the type of behaviour that I think any reasonable person would be against. I think someone brandishing a gun or threatening to shoot someone is worse than "drugged out hippies" down there!

3) If the Forest Service plans to keep the HS closed "indefinitely" without reason, then we have to get together and petition them to open it. There is no good reason for it to be closed if there is no fire damage in the immediate area. Frankly if I don't see an official sign, I'm going in.

4) The Springs belong to the people, and don't forget it. I am all for laws that make sense, but when it comes to laws that don't make sense I'm for ignoring them. How many here have smoked pot in the privacy of their home? (I used to but quit years ago. But if I wanted to I still would.) It's against the law, you know! Yet people do it. People also drive 63 in 55 mph zones and get away with it, often right in front of the Highway Patrol.

Which all goes to say, it's great to try and play ball with the Forest Service, and if they show themselves to be reasonable then I'll go along with the closure. But if the general consensus is that it is safe to go there and no REAL reason not to, then I'll consider breaking the law. I hope it doesn't come to that. First I would try to petition the powers that be to open it, and wait a few months.

But the bottom line is the Hot Springs belong to "we the people", and responsible people should be able to use them! I have the impression that the Forest Service is just LOOKING for excuses to close them!

As to the closure...

miguelbgood 1591November 24, 2003 06:50PM

Re: As to the closure...

LaughingBear 713November 24, 2003 08:05PM

Re: As to the closure...

Wizard 781November 24, 2003 08:19PM

Re: As to the closure...

jobe 714November 24, 2003 08:50PM

Re: As to the closure...

Rick 782November 24, 2003 09:12PM

Re: As to the closure...

jobe 782November 24, 2003 11:40PM

Re: As to the closure...

LaughingBear 722November 25, 2003 07:22AM

Re: As to the closure...

jobe 748November 25, 2003 09:42AM

Re: As to the closure...

Wizard 768November 25, 2003 10:19PM

Re: As to the closure...

katrina island 824November 26, 2003 01:22AM

Re: As to the closure...

Ron 751November 27, 2003 09:20AM

Re: As to the closure...

mojavegreen 1314November 29, 2003 12:43PM

Scofflaws & Closure

mojavegreen 944November 26, 2003 07:15AM

Re: As to the closure...

LaughingBear 824November 26, 2003 04:14PM

Re: As to the closure...

LaughingBear 737November 27, 2003 11:18AM

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