The Marriam-Webster dictionary definition ;1):a medium by which a thing is applied or administered 2): a medium through or by means of which something is conveyed or expressed 3): a means of transporting persons or goods.
My point was, it is hard to tell what is legal any more.
It depends on what the meaning of it is. de' ja vu I think I have been here before, and I do not mean Oz or the twilight zone.
Gee, I hope my spelling is improveing.
Every time I turn around I have to take a drug test. It has been two years since I failed one. I had to get rid of that girlfriend and find another job also. What will they think of next. I know a tax on my religion, which could mean carrying a gun on my A.T.V.
I think next time I go to the springs I will wear a protest barrel. Or should I go in my lady Godiva outfit? So many decisions, NO my Rod Sterling mask. All are vehicles, of my disdain for government over regulations.
My attitude is what they will never regulate. That is what they are affecting is our ATTITUDE !