How is this for spin:
On the forest service website they state that public reaction
has been positive
"Public reaction has been positive when they see benefits and when fees are easy to pay.
The Forest Service chose an aggressive approach to the fee program - encouraging projects of varying sizes and fee types,
differential pricing, and charging first time fees for many activities, facilities, and services. Projects range in size from a
four-forest project in Southern California to a parking fee at a single trailhead to Northern Michigan's Sylvania Wilderness.
We are testing fees per person and per carload; fees for heritage expeditions, visitor centers, camping, boating, hiking,
day-use, wilderness permits; and multi-agency fees.
The test locations do not yet, in aggregate, represent a nationwide fee program, although we are working towards that goal.
They are individual test projects that give insights useful in developing a more integrated fee system in the long run."
Where are the statistics? Where does this statement say anything
about what the public feels?
The Forest Service has an ongoing study asking these types of questions. Why was this not put on the website? Well the facts of the study state that only 54% of the public are willing to buy
a pass. I'm no genius but that would be a failing grade in any
highschool class.