Blue Korn, what a bunch of nonsense you write above, you talk of your direct experience with jaded dreamers, were not talking about those people, tell us about how katrina has not been peaceful, specifically her actions. Katrina has not threatened any one in all of this, you just don't like her message, that, does not make her un-peaceful in her manner. She has pursued her objectives in a lawful way. Your next bit, about the war in Iraq, slavery, nukes, the Mob, etc,etc, are all ridiculous things to compare Katrina too. Tell me Blue Korn, what are " un-court proven stories ". So what are you saying, everything people say, or write, must have what they express, approved by a court? So Blue Korn, prove to us here that Katrina's information is false. I'm sure glad your not the one making up the laws on what we as individuals shall speak of, otherwise, I'd have to go get my ideas approved by your court, before I speak, or write :-)