Ah Sycamore, I think you been smokin too much at that crazy weed you and Paul like to puff on :-) Boy, you have created quite an imaginative scenario! Really a waste of your time when it comes to me :-) You know that ol sayin " its like water off a ducks back " when I consider your written nonsense above :-) When it comes to the Quite Claim Deed, I have explained here in depth, why I donated this money, for the purpose of hopefully seeing The Historic Bowen Ranch become a non-profit entity for the benifit of all hotspringers, not a business that depends on paying visitors, a business that benifits by advertising for more visitors, paying customers. Funny how some of you go on and on, stating that this document holds no value ? If that is the case, then you have no worries, and yet, you go on and on, so I guess, really, you are worried, otherwise you would drop it. At which point that Katrina decides to address the issue in court, we shall see then if the deed has any merit. Either way, I have said before that " I " do not know if it is legal. Funny also to see you suddenly, in your bold and brave manner, decide to go after me on this subject. Out of character for you, but, I knew you had it in ya! Finally found it too hard to resist, to jump on the Merry Go Round, eh Sycamore :-) I'm sure you and your little pal AZ were emboldened by my not attending this weekends meeting, thinking you had the Wizard on the run. Think again :-) So Sycamore, go right ahead and amuse your self, and little Mikie with your made up fantasies. Smoke the crazy weed and have lots of fun :-) Time, and the courts will decide the merits of this deed.