Everyone who was there last night got to hear my comments regarding illegal off road activity in the Juniper Flats region including the locals who were there. Believe it or not forum readers, Katrina and Laughing Bear were in the same room and not one negative vibe was directed in either direction. Amazing but true!
I spoke directly to the assembled crowd first thanking the BLM for their responsivness to our concerns about new open routes near the Village and Juniper Flats. As a result of public comment,some proposed open routes have been withdrawn. I then expressed gratitude to the OHV enthusiasts who enjoy their sport and follow the rules by staying on the designated routes. I then expressed concern about those in the OHV group who do not follow the rules. I also expressed the frustration of the local residents about the situation and gave an example about a man I found riding on an undesignated trail recently. After taking his name and green sticker #, I had phoned it in to Ranger Nelson's voice mail. I asked for greater education efforts with route signage and increased enforcement against illegal off route OHV activity. The BLM took down everything I said and included into the public comment record.
After the meeting I did get to speak to Ranger Nelson directly and he told me he did call me back regarding the motorcycle rider and my co worker blew him off on the phone. I apologized for the miscommunication and Ranger Nelson assured me he takes a very serious view of law enforcement in the area. It turns out the man I stopped on the trail that day helps him patrol the area as a volunteer, keeping an eye out for illegal activity. This man spoke at the meeting as well and we all aggreed about the need for increased public education efforts and communication of the laws. Enforcement is much easier when everyone is aware of the law. I believe there is something for everyone in this plan and I came away believing in the process that allows our participation in making desicions. I would like to encourage anyone with input about this plan to submit your written comments while they are still being accepted. Your voice does make a difference.