All posts are those of the individual authors and the owner of this site does not endorse them. Content should be considered opinion and not fact until verified independently.

July 07, 2003 04:26PM
I don't think there is any mud in my eye...

Now, like the parable... there might be a mote or a beam... but no mud.


In fact, it appears that there are plenty of beams to go around here. It doesn't seem that anyone has one clear view. Well, there IS one Person who I know has a pretty clear picture of this whole mess. But I don't think He will be posting to the forum.

And folks... please try and REPLY to the correct post you are referencing. It makes it a whole lot easier to comprehend what you're trying to say.

And I do have to say one more thing... regardless of what side you are on you've got to contemplate this... or even chuckle at yourself like I did:

This weekend I showed some of these "battle posts" to my wife and tried to explain a little bit about this very interesting "discussion" we are all involved with. Who the players are, and how it tends to just draw you in. Please keep in mind that she HAS visited the springs with me... once.

She said, after I tried to tell her a bit of the story, "For crap sakes! It's just a hole in the ground with hot water flowing out!" "What's the point?"

All I could say was, "Very perseptive of you dear." yawning smiley|

Who was it that sang that old song? "Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of Heaven, you can justify it in the end."

Remember the "Treasure" that was opened after the bloody battle between the mountain and the valley people?

"Peace on Earth, was all it said."


Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 1700July 04, 2003 03:46PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

LaughingBear 898July 04, 2003 08:28PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 921July 05, 2003 11:29AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 1081July 05, 2003 08:04PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 965July 07, 2003 08:42AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 892July 07, 2003 11:59AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 874July 07, 2003 12:50PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Rick 997July 07, 2003 12:51PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 881July 07, 2003 03:42PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 1047July 07, 2003 08:03PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 855July 07, 2003 08:41PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

jobe 967July 08, 2003 05:27PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

sycamorelaughing 922July 08, 2003 11:08PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 1584July 11, 2003 07:02PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 1033July 08, 2003 07:57PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 945July 08, 2003 10:05PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 942July 07, 2003 01:14PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 932July 07, 2003 03:49PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 1246July 07, 2003 05:32PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 1070July 08, 2003 12:50AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 934July 08, 2003 07:53AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 869July 08, 2003 11:49AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 930July 08, 2003 12:38PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 842July 08, 2003 02:12PM

Friends of Deep Creek Arise

katrina island 905July 08, 2003 12:12PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 889July 07, 2003 03:20PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

jobe 928July 07, 2003 03:48PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 1057July 07, 2003 04:26PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

jobe 854July 07, 2003 06:19PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

LaughingBear 926July 07, 2003 09:42PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 973July 07, 2003 11:02PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

LaughingBear 871July 08, 2003 09:59PM

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