well now...the ugly truth had been revealed to all. One thing is for sure, nobody ever saw me parading around armed with a gun unless I was out hunting rabbits and quail. The quote from William about "Blowing the Growler away" was heard so frequently that it sounded like a mantra.
The water situation in the Village was caused by the obsession and delusion of "Pope" Don Whittington. Now this guy is a 2 strike felon who collects social security SSI for mental illness. He bought a piece of land next to the watertank and spring serving the Village and proclaimed it to be his. Never mind that it served everyone in the community at the time. We found ourselves cut off. There were families with small children living there and they were cut off as well. Pope Don has a violent temper and prone to rage.
I contacted the woman who I bought my land from and she informed me about the legalities involving the water. She still holds the water rights there and her intent was for no property owner there be denied. She encouraged me to file for water rights which I did. Pope Don became enraged at me and caught me alone on a trail,pointed a pistol in my face and threatened my life. I reported this to the Sherrif's office and was told since there was no witness,he couldnt be arrested.
About a month later, Pope Don approached me while I was working on a truck at the bottom of my driveway. After some words were exchanged, he pulled out a knife while telling me he was going to slice me up. I sliced him above the eye with a buck knife. He immediatly went to town and called the cops. They came and locked him up as a 5150 because he told them he was going to kill me.