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June 29, 2003 08:40AM
Not to my knowledge, no.
One very real and undeniable threat to the hot springs is that posed by visitors who flout the USFS regulations, bring in glass, camp at the springs, leave trash, and otherwise diminish the springs for others and provide motivation for authorities to shut them down.

On my trip there yesterday, one group of people had been overheard assuring Mike Castro that they had no glass and would follow the rules. This group did have glass beer bottles, which they were drinking from while sitting on the rocks. At the insistence of other visitors, they put each bottle in a sock, and carried out all of their trash.

When this group left, Mike Castro had learned that they had had glass. He talked with them. He did not yell at them, threaten them with any weapons, or even show any rudeness in this exchange. He simply told them that they would have to find another way to access the springs in the future, because he would not help people to access the springs if they were going to lie to him and violate the rules.

Maybe some people will find a way to use an incident like this to suggest that Mike Castro is somehow being unfair or denying access or victimizing this group of people, but I admire his way of dealing with it and once again find reason to respect him.

If Mike Castro has prevented Hotspringer Roe from visiting the springs, why do I see him there so often? Telling someone that they may not access through your own property does not prevent them from using the springs. Mike Castro is not obligated to allow people on his property, and apparently he has refused entry to many despite the fact that he would be collecting the all-important toll from them if he would just let them in. Good thing he is not as greedy as others have claimed him to be, because caring about the springs involves taking an active part in preventing their vandalism, destruction, or closure by the authorities. What part do you take in that William? Gail?

I Care About DCHS

katrina island 1643June 28, 2003 12:24PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 818June 28, 2003 08:56PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

Gary 886June 28, 2003 10:41PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

sycamorelaughing 812June 29, 2003 08:40AM

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

katrina island 996June 29, 2003 02:15PM

Re: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

jobe 803June 29, 2003 03:08PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 798June 30, 2003 09:15AM

Re: I Care About DCHS

katrina island 783June 30, 2003 12:17PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 751June 30, 2003 01:56PM

LaughingBear you said: take your best shot.

katrina island 809June 30, 2003 04:44PM

Re: LaughingBear you said: take your best shot.

jobe 1030June 30, 2003 05:10PM

Re: LaughingBear you said: take your best shot.

katrina island 781June 30, 2003 07:34PM

Jobe you make no sense on this one

katrina island 842June 30, 2003 07:56PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 811June 30, 2003 02:07PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 781June 30, 2003 08:30PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

katrina island 1060July 01, 2003 08:02AM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 872July 01, 2003 10:26PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

Wizard 772July 02, 2003 08:29AM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 777July 02, 2003 09:59AM

Re: I Care About DCHS

katrina island 737July 02, 2003 03:00PM

Re: I Care About DCHS

LaughingBear 1278July 02, 2003 07:14PM

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