Rick, Katrina had the original BLM map of these numbered routes that were opened after the Willow Fire Closure. There are more routes open currently than those shown on that map but the numbered routes I discussed above are on that map. I found a copy of that map but it is not colored like the original which helps to discern it. You may be able to contact Katrina and have her send you a copy as an attachment, it used to be on her DCHS site. Route 6 is the powerline road from the Bowen Ranch Road to Deep Creek Road. Route 4 to 3 to the USFS parking lot is the most traveled. Route 1 and 2 are out by the Luna Vista Ranch and the east side of Round Mountain. Route 8 connects part of Route 6 to Route 3 Southwest of the Bowen Ranch. It helps to see an overlay of that map on a Topographical map to clarify thier locations.