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The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (88% of Full)


Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

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February 20, 2003 09:49PM
Gail talks about people who do not wish to speak against Mike Castro because of thier fear of repercussions from him. Many of the people I have talked with express this same concern since they access through the Bowen Ranch. If they were to speak thier mind then they would most likely find themselves having to seek other options for parking other than the Ranch and they also might find themselves in a confrontation with Mike. The last time I went in to park at the Ranch, which was the day DCHS opened after the Willow Fire, Mike Castro was in a sour mood. We got into a brief argument because I did not appreciate him talking to me about trash and the hotsprings like I was somehow part of the problem. Since I didn't just say " yes Mr. Castro, yes Mr. Castro and I actually challenged his position, I was asked to leave the Ranch. So the people who depend on the Bowen Ranch for access and yet may harbor feelings that Mike Castro has commited unfair and violent acts against people are faced with a decision, to speak up about Mike or not. They usually opt to not speak up. I have seen and heard enough that I have no doubt that Mike Castro has commited many unjust deeds in the Bowen Ranch area. My feeling is I would not support Mike Castro by paying his fee to park at the Ranch, even if it were and option. To my mind paying Mike does at some level condone his actions, and also I always want to be in a position to speak my mind when I feel a need to without feeling that I have to unduly please some person to gain some particular benifit from them. Gary Roe has seen more than most of what Mike Castro is capable of and how he acts aggressively. Since Gary speaks up against Mike Castro's deeds and actions he has become a regular target of Castro. Broken windows, being chased by Mike on his motorcycle, threatening Gary with a gun, shooting in Gary's direction while Gary is trying to walk around the Ranch, etc. These are the possible rewards for " anyone " who dares to speak up against Mike Castro. Whether Mike Castro has a permit for his weapon really doesn't matter. Mike Castro has shown again and again that he consideres himself above the law when it come to his actions. If a gun has a permit but is used in an unlawful manner and nobody can prove that this happened then the fact that the gun had a legal permit would not matter. The law is only meaningful when people either choose to respect it, or others can prove without question that a crime has been committed. Mike Castro has alway depended on the fact that where he perpetrates his acts are in areas where no one is around to verify things that may occur. When he and his helpers rolled the rocks onto the Moss Mill road, thats a big act with lots of clues and yet he was not held accountable for this. I think this particular incident really shows how the authorities have turned a blind eye to Mikes behavior. So you see, lots of things have happened out there but the proof and as importantly the cooperation of the local authorities has meant that nothing ever gets done, so far reasonable justice has not materialized. So in view of all this it seems to me that it is important that our collective watchfullnes as a DCHS community of people is what we need to help keep things safer for " all " the springs visitors. Lastly, the Ronnie Bates incident is a disturbing, unexplained affair. The whole thing is very fishy. This guy parks at the Bowen Ranch and then disappears. His car remains parked at the Bowen Ranch for months. Mike Castro watches his turf like a hawk, so whats up with him not contacting the authorites for all that time. You would think if Mike Castro new nothing about what was up with this missing person that he would have contacted the police and indicated that a car had been sitting at his ranch for a long period with no sight of the owner. Isn't that what a normaly concerned person would do in that instance. Could this be a case of buying time to hide clues? Then the jaw bone of the missing man shows up down along the creek just upstream from the DCHS hotpools. The man who found the jaw bone said his dog came running up with it. Since the dog was with the man I would say where-ever the dog found the bone may very well be likely close to where the remains of this missing man where laying ( at least at that point in time ). So this would indicate that the man lost his life close to the springs and definitly in the general area. I had a conversation with a person who indicated that Mike Castro spoke in such fashion ( in a past conversation with this person ) that it appeared that Castro was taking credit for doing the deed on Ronnie Bates. Now I realize that talk is not proof, but I consider the person who shared this information with me to be a clear minded and sensible person, so I personaly would give due consideration to this person's interpertation of the conversation they had with Mike Castro. This person of course would not want to be indentified because of the REPERCUSSIONS it might cause them in consideration of Mike Castro's aggressive side. Sorry to have to use the word " person " so much in the last few sentences, it was necesary. If I were to come across solid evidence in the form of an eyewitness to crimminal activity or physical evidence, I would try and inform any authorities that could be found that also could be trusted with the information. I feel however that I must honor things that people tell me in good faith with the understanding that I will not expose thier indentity. Much of what I find out just comes out of conversations with people on DCHS general subjects while at DCHS. People tend to talk alot down there. Its a shame that " all " the people of the DCHS community can't just enjoy the springs in peace, whether they go through the Bowen Ranch, or the other public routes of access. Be careful and watchful.

Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

katrina island 1568February 14, 2003 09:49PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 1008February 15, 2003 09:58AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Ron 1602February 16, 2003 07:47AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 971February 16, 2003 10:33AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 985February 15, 2003 12:17PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 943February 16, 2003 11:06AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 953February 16, 2003 04:44PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 1022February 16, 2003 08:21PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Rick 885February 16, 2003 10:22PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 1043February 17, 2003 11:37AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Paul P. 960February 19, 2003 10:43AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 924February 20, 2003 09:37PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Rick 905February 21, 2003 12:52PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

sycamorelaughing 1000February 21, 2003 03:51PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 1098February 21, 2003 10:23PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 908February 16, 2003 11:14AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 1027February 16, 2003 10:54PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 957February 17, 2003 07:22AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 837February 19, 2003 08:48PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 894February 19, 2003 08:56PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 998February 19, 2003 10:02PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

katrina island 1154February 20, 2003 02:16AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Paul P. 932February 20, 2003 12:23PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 769February 20, 2003 09:49PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 931February 20, 2003 10:17PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 907February 20, 2003 10:33PM

sycamorelaughing's Propaganda

katrina island 886February 21, 2003 12:04PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Paul P. 1116February 21, 2003 12:29PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 952February 21, 2003 01:38PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 964February 21, 2003 10:38PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Celtfire 983February 21, 2003 11:13PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 1158February 21, 2003 10:55PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Ron 808February 22, 2003 08:55AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 931February 21, 2003 11:35PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Ron 872February 23, 2003 07:04AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 903February 23, 2003 10:30AM

More Victims of Mike Castro's Violence

katrina island 1003February 23, 2003 12:30PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

LaughingBear 1565February 23, 2003 08:51PM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Peace 910March 24, 2003 11:25AM

Re: Bullets Fly Over Hotspringer's Head

Wizard 1458March 27, 2003 08:59AM

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