These darn puters, they go bonkers when you least expect it. I was doing a reply and when I was almost done it disappeared for some reason, arrgggg! Ken I think you are referring to the Mohave spillway. The Silverwood spillway is a long ways from were Deep Creek hits the Mohave Dam. I think it would be safer for you to park and hike in from the 173 on the Bradford ridge trail which is about 2 and a half miles long. Ron posted here yesterday that he hiked in that way on Saturday. I posted directions in the DCHS forum a long while ago and you should be able to find them by using the search function under " Bradford Ridge Trail " and search all post to find it. There will be numerous post referencing the Bradford Ridge trail so just scan to see the one that is directions. The ground up around DCHS was wet on Sunday which I'm sure is making the vegetation very happy! The stream is still easily crossable. If you go in by way of the Bradford Ridge trail you won't have to cross the stream. Hope that helps :-)