Folks, I do environmental enforcement and I've got to tell you... chlorinating the water and/or modifying the natural flow of the stream are the two fastest ways to lose access to this site. Both acts would be potential crimes under both federal and state laws. Everyone's worked so hard to get/keep access open, it'd be a shame to screw it up now. Chlorine won't do anything that Ma Nature ain't already doing. We chlorinate pools because the water stays there the whole time. The germs you're hoping to kill are far down stream before you could fetch the chlorine from your car. You'll only succeed in killing the fish (that eat the bugs and plants) and the plants (that keep the shoreline from eroding more quickly).
Those who keep the Creek clean deserve a standing ovation. But let's remember, it ain't a shouldn't be sterile. My opinon, over priced even at 2 cents