WHAT??? Calm down, Wizard, I saw something humorous and responded to it, that's all. I did think twice about doing so, only because I was afraid that, to you, it would mean that I am somehow on AZ's "side." I haven't ever met AZ, and yes he does post some things that seem nonsense, some that I appreciate or agree with, and some that I find just plain find funny.
I'm not sure just which inconsiderate post you are refering to that I did not respond to, but if you want to read something into that, I can't stop you. Neither can you tell me what I should or shouldn't respond to. (Well, you can tell me all you want, but I'll still decide for myself) Gee, wasn't it you who accused AZ of trying to censor others when he suggested to you that he thought people should ignore Katrina's posts? Now, I respond to something I think is funny, and you have to make a remark like "birds of a feather flock together"?? What's up with that?? What have I ever done to you or said about you that leads you to being so insulting towards me?
It seems that I've responded to posts from you, too, and even from Katrina. So, what kind of birds are the two of you, and does my response to the both of you put me in that flock?