When you say words to the effect of 'but don't you agree that the biggest problem comes through Bowen Ranch?' or "What do you think of his undercover attempt...?" the questions are manipulative. I will not be manipulated. I will not answer those types of questions. I hope that you will not continue to seek verification for your opinions...why would you need to?? If you do need that, find it from someone else. In my opinion, seeking verification for your opinions or your feelings is exactly what you are doing with questions like that. But, if you are going to continue to ask manipulative questions, and then don't accept my answers, and then ask me to tell you when you said it, then maybe you are hoping that I will be next to engage you in merry-go-round exchanges of bitterness. I don't want that. When you did that at the springs, I did not respond. This time I did. Next time I won't, because if this response is not enough for all the times, then I won't waste my time further. I love words, but word games are not my cup of tea.
If you asked a straightforward question, like 'did you get an e-mail from AZ Mike asking you to ignore Katrina's posts?,' then that would be different. Look at the words you used. If I say yes, then I am saying yes to your opinion of AZ Mike. This type of logical fallacy is covered in Logic 101 as well as a few other courses I've taken. I refuse to be manipulated. I faced down and won over hard-core manipulation and I refuse to accept it from you. You don't need to respond to this post. If you still did not understand me, you never will. Either way I do not dislike you. Peace.