Sycamore your right, there have been others as well posting here as someone else.
I have caught Katrina on a number of ocassions posting with a different name and no one picked up on it. I'm sure that some inner core DCHS, Inc folks knew. That's is small hand full of mysterious people.
What this shows me here with the small talk, is that Katrina can sure dish it out to someone she hates, .................... but sure can't take it.
As for the person posting on known as Wizard, well that's just a creepy thought in itself.
Very creepy with some guy running around out there with no pants on, getting into trouble and then building an illegal backcountry trail.
Is it any wonder why the inner core of DCHS, Inc. loves this jerk? Like I mentioned earlier, the inner core DCHS,Inc. is a full of mysterious folks.