Thank you .JOBE .Yes you are correct! ! had a landslide support .Legal teams ,lone wolf Attorneys, Are just jumping at the opportunity .To be the first attorney to make a real case against this killer. finely giving some closures. For all the family's of all those victims that had mysteriously disappeared?Sadly the victim's were terribly exposed to repetitive rants for respect.,He intentionally terrified his lone helpless victims. ,with repetitive shallow threats .Once again demanding again ,and,again for respect from his victims.Before they are shot ,and murdered.Most of the time the victims vehicles are found conveniently on his property.Sadly if family members cannot afford now inflated parking fees' that are conveniently placed on his murdered victim's car. He puts a lean on it ,sells the victims vehicle to sheriff department.Surly only a monster would behave in this manor to the family of his victim.No remorse absolutely no empathy, only cold indifference. All will be revealed. More coming forward, witness's to his abuses. Many clearly making statements . Many statements consisting of personal narrow escapes of his brutal advance's..Fortunately'',all those survivors are more than willing share ,testify in a court of law..For all the victims that have b silenced .Giving us all a new defencive voice.For to all those survivors of his attacks.That the county has scoffed at.They had known clearly the facts about this inhuman monster .All they simply do is ignore every complaint of any escaped survivor' ,Ignore all the outcry of his past victims suppressed ,then turned voiceless !.All of his victim's ,and there families 'are all welcome to share their own tragic experiences at the Bowen Ranch .Please join this once in a lifetime exclusive, opportunity to demanded justice. Please feel free for commit. .Get info;. For Court dates/times, Court city's ,Courtroom #. To testify by deposition only. Please be present on the behalf of all those murdered or still missing that are claiming to be victims of the current suspect.. Thank you . We only wish to return to a time when Deep creek hot springs was a safe place to enjoy. .