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Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

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June 27, 2002 04:29PM

I just wanted to let you know that I bear no grude about you opening that "can-o-worms" today. It was inevitable that someone, eventually would mention what I told you about Tiki.

Maybe it's best the way it came down today. At least now he's aware that we're aware of the situation. If he wants to come down to the Springs, I have no problem with that as long as he behaves. Tiki's a likable guy ('til you cross him) -- he's even funny, as you may have noticed in his posts.

From near the beginning, I had reservations about getting involved with Tiki and his website. When I bailed out on him by shutting the website down, that's when the real trouble started.

Since then I've become known to many at the Springs by my REAL name, Dave Johnson -- there! -- I've said it. And yes. I do own a black Ford Ranger. I've got nothing to hide. My nick name (Naked Man) here in this forum was given to me by another fun-loving Springer known as "dammitchloe". [Hi Sera!] I could just as easily go by Dave or Soop (short for SuperDave [from Super Dave Osborne fame] without the crashes;-)).

I just want to reassure everyone that I was NEVER a contributor to that website -- I only owned it -- at Tiki's request. Yes, I was offered a percentage of the profits, but I contributed absolutely nothing to the "content" side of things -- that was ALL his doing. I don't even own a camera.

Matter of fact, that was the whole point of contention for him. He attempted to change the "agreement" and force me by whatever means he could (intimidation and threats, etc) to begin to provide pictures. I was never "into" doing it and eventually shut the site down (after about 1 month's involvement).

Anyway, Wizard, no hard feelings. I like your most recent post today. We can do a lot better job of getting along.

See ya at the Springs soon,

Dave Johnson,
formerly known as Naked Man.

PS - An event like this tends to put things into perspective for me. The troubles talked about here pale in comparison to what I dealt with in regards to Tiki last year.

Everyone: Have a great time at the Springs and watch out for each other.

Peace. Be expectant of Good.

The DCHS Merry Go Round

Wizard 1466June 27, 2002 09:21AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

laughing bear 801June 27, 2002 09:57AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Naked Man 791June 27, 2002 04:29PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Naked Man 1413June 27, 2002 04:29PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

TikiBeachClub 713June 27, 2002 04:55PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Wizard 806June 27, 2002 08:32PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 786June 28, 2002 06:37AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 765June 28, 2002 07:26AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 843June 28, 2002 08:08AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 754June 28, 2002 08:20AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Paul P. 710June 28, 2002 08:43AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 1296June 28, 2002 09:24AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 704June 28, 2002 09:29AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Rick 1319July 03, 2002 01:56PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 750June 28, 2002 08:45AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 754June 28, 2002 09:33AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 756June 28, 2002 09:39AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Wizard 758June 28, 2002 10:12AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 782June 28, 2002 10:51AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Wizard 721June 28, 2002 11:07AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 770June 28, 2002 11:35AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Arizona Mike 739June 28, 2002 11:38AM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 795June 28, 2002 02:23PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

sycamore laughing 740June 28, 2002 03:04PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

JOBE 741June 28, 2002 02:35PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Free our Forests 778June 28, 2002 02:40PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 802June 28, 2002 03:27PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

sycamore laughing 731June 28, 2002 04:59PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

DCR 737June 28, 2002 05:48PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

sycamore laughing 892June 28, 2002 07:59PM

Re: The DCHS Merry Go Round

Paul P. 917June 29, 2002 11:03AM

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